What is His name? This is the same question multitudes are asking today. They want to know
who your God is and what makes Him different from other socalled gods. How will you
respond? This study will give you the answers. You will learn the names and titles of God the
Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit and you will come to know them more
intimately through the revelation of their names.

In the Introductory section, you will learn about developing intimacy with God through His
manifested presence and the importance of studying the names. You will study about the
hallowedness of the names, the power that is resident in those names, and how to use these
names in prayer, worship, and ministry.

In the remainder of the manual you will study the names and titles of God the Father, Jesus
Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. References are presented, a revelation based on the Word of
God, and an opportunity is given for you to respond and record your own thoughts on each
name. The Appendices lists all the names used in this study and Scriptures relating to the word
“name” as it references the names of the Trinity of God.