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Hello and greetings. If you are a pastor or otherwise qualified instructor and would like to become a member of our faculty we invite you to contact us so that you can receive additional information and application to become a faculty member,  Please click here to receive more information.   Here is some information on members of the faculty who are here to serve the needs of each student

Mike Wood, married to Joni for 38 years. We have two grown children (Lindsay and Garrett), both married and 3 grandchildren. Have been in ministry for over 35 years in the US. Helped train pastors in Haiti. We enjoy reading, teaching and outdoor fun.

Rev, Dr, Nathaniel Gadsden is the Senior Pastor of Imani Redeemed Christian Church of God, Staff Chaplain at UPMC Pinnacle Health Hospitals, and a certified Spiritual Director, who lives in Harrisburg, PA.He is a Christian Therapist and author of “Learning Self Therapy through Writing” a creative writing journal, “By Any Words Necessary” a collection of his poetry, “Candy From Heaven” his first children’s book, and “All Things Considered” a collection of his poetry and essays.  He is Co-Host, with his wife Patricia, of the Life Esteem Television Show, which airs on WHP-TV 21 (CBS), WHBG-TV 20, WRCT.TV 16 (York, PA) and You-Tube at www.lifeesteemtv.com.

Joe Summers is the pastor of JICF and has resided in China for more than 11 years. He enjoys teaching and reading.


Irungu Kiiru is Pastor at Redeemed Gospel Church – Kianjokoma Kenya He has a bachelor’s degree in Theology and Church ministry. He currently is overseeing 15 Churches of the Redeemed Gospel Church ministry.


Life Mashumba has several degrees including Doctorate in International Studies and Religion from New Covenant International University. He was an active participant in JICF 2006-2010. Dr. Life Mashumba served under the Botswana Ministry of Education for over 21 years

  Davin Naidoo is the lead pastor of Yahweh International Christian Worship Centre a mission based church in South Africa in a city called Pietermaritzburg .He has been  married for 28 years and has two beautiful children. He has a very closely knitted family who are very active and involved in ministry. He is passionate about spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ ,and he loves studying the word of God so he can rightly divide the word of God through the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit.He  believes implicitly in the (trinity),that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one, He pray that he will be a productive instrument in the Bible Institute Pastor ,God bless